V32 基本字根

V32-06 字根系列:dic, dict: say實用的字根系列一次學會

字根系列:dic, dict: say實用的字根系列一次學會


dic/ dict此字根是say 「說」的意思,其衍生出來的單字也滿實用的,故日光就挑出看其字首字根能很直白推敲出其單字意思的英文單字,繼續幫各位強化英文單字力囉~



字根dic, dict#1 dict

dictate [ ˋdɪktet ] (v) 口述/ 命令

dictation [ dɪkˋteʃən ] (n) 口述/ 命令/ 聽寫

dictator [ ˋdɪk͵tetɚ ] (n) 獨裁者

dictatorial [ ͵dɪktəˋtorɪəl ] (adj.) 獨裁的

dict (say) 這字根加上動詞字尾ate,自然是個動詞。只是光「說」是表達甚麼意思呢?有兩種解讀:(1) 口述(讓對方寫下) (2) 命令 規定,可進而衍生為「決定(某事運作)」之意。


dictator (n) 給命令的人,所以就是「獨裁者」囉~再變化一下,可以生出形容詞dictatorial (adj.) 「獨裁的

E.g.1: She’s dictating a letter to her secretary right now.


E.g.2: Islamic custom dictates that women should be fully covered.


E.g.3: The massive publicity dictated a response from the city government.


E.g.4: There were no secretaries available to take dictation


E.g.5: I hate doing French dictations. 「我討厭做法文聽寫。」

E.g.6: The dictator's reign was marked by his dictatorial control over every aspect of life.


字根dic, dict#2 ab + dic

abdicate [ˋæbdə͵ket] (v) 正式放棄(王位或責任)

abdication [ æbdəˋkeʃən ] (n) 正式放棄(王位或責任)

ab (away, from) + dic (say),「說要遠離」,是要遠離什麼呢?這動詞是要說遠離王位或責任之意,故意思為「正式放棄(王位或責任)」之意。名詞為abdication (n) 

E.g.1: The king was forced to abdicate the throne.


E.g.2: The government has largely abdicated its responsibility in dealing 
with housing needs.


E.g.3: The king's unexpected abdication shocked the entire nation.


補充說明:關於a, ab, abs (away, from)字首的運用,有興趣的夥伴可以詳見V31-01 學好英文單字字首系列 | 字首a, ab, abs的英文單字有哪些?


字根dic, dict#3 ad + dic

addict [ əˋdɪkt ] (n) 上癮者

addiction [ əˋdɪkʃən ] (n) 成癮

addicted [ əˋdɪktɪd ] (adj.) (人)對...上癮的

addictive [ əˋdɪktɪv ] (adj.) (事物)令人上癮的

ad (toward) + dict (say),「朝著某事物一直說」是什麼意思呢?如果是名詞,就想像一個人朝著一個東西一直說,表示他/她對此物上癮囉,故名詞為「上癮者」。

那如果是動作呢?就想像有個東西讓人一直說不停,表示這東西讓人上癮了唷~但addict這個字鮮少做主動態使用去表達「某物使人上癮」,而是會用作被動態,用法為「人 be addicted to  事物」。換言之,有個過去分詞addicted當形容詞用,表達「(人)對...上癮的」。

而此動詞變出來的名詞為addiction (n) 成癮。形容詞addictive則是修飾事物,表達「(事物)令人上癮的」。

E.g.1: My nephew is a complete video game addict.


E.g.2: Drug addiction is now the biggest social problem in American cities.


E.g.3: One in seven people is addicted to alcohol or drugs.


E.g.4: Nicotine in cigarettes is an addictive drug. 



字根dic, dict#4 contra + dict

contradict [ ͵kɑntrəˋdɪkt ] (v) 和...矛盾

contradiction [ ͵kɑntrəˋdɪkʃən  ] (n) 矛盾

contradictory [ ͵kɑntrəˋdɪktərɪ ] (adj.) 和...矛盾的

contra (against, opposite) + dict (say),「相反地說」,想像說出來的話都和對方的相反,意思就是「和...矛盾」或是「反駁」。

名詞contradiction意思為「矛盾」。形容詞contradictory 為「和...矛盾的」。

E.g.1: Deborah opened her mouth to contradict, but closed it again.


E.g.2: Your behaviour is in direct contradiction to the principles you claim to have.


E.g.3: The public is being fed contradictory messages about the economy.


補充說明:關於contra-, contro-, counter- (against, opposite)字首的運用,有興趣的夥伴可以詳見V31-04字首 contra-, contro-, counter 英文單字有哪些?


字根dic, dict#5 juris,mal,vale+ dict

jurisdiction [ dʒʊrɪsˋdɪkʃən ] (n)  司法權 

malediction (n) 詛咒

valediction (n) 告別詞

juris (law) + dict (say) + ion (名詞字尾),「法律說的東西」什麼意思呢?意思是「司法權」」。

mal (bad) + dict (say) + ion (名詞字尾),「說出來的壞話」,意思即為「詛咒」。

vale (farewell) + dict (say) + ion (名詞子句),「說再見的話」意思即為「告別語」。

E.g.1: In general, the American courts have no jurisdiction to deal with crimes outside the USA.


E.g.2: The old witch uttered a dark malediction, cursing the land with eternal winter.


E.g.3: He gave a brief valediction before leaving the party.



字根dic, dict#6 pre + dict 

predict (v) 預測

prediction (n) 預測

predictive (adj.) 預測性的

pre (before) + dict (say),「之前就說」,想像一件事情發生前你就說出來了,你是做什麼動作呢?預測!


E.g.1: In the future, it may be possible to predict earthquakes.


E.g.2: The data can be used to make useful economic predictions.


E.g.3: The predictive model accurately forecasted the sales trends for the next quarter.




字根dic, dict總結

字根dic, dict的英文單字還有其他的,日光英文僅列出幾組字首字根湊起來,意思直白的單字。之後看到其他藏有字根dic, dict的單字,也可以試著想像一下有沒有相關唷。


dictate [ ˋdɪktet ] (v) 口述/ 命令

dictation [ dɪkˋteʃən ] (n) 口述/ 命令/ 聽寫

dictator [ ˋdɪk͵tetɚ ] (n) 獨裁者

dictatorial [ ͵dɪktəˋtorɪəl ] (adj.) 獨裁的

abdicate [ˋæbdə͵ket] (v) 正式放棄(王位或責任)

abdication [ æbdəˋkeʃən ] (n) 正式放棄(王位或責任)

addict [ əˋdɪkt ] (n) 上癮者

addiction [ əˋdɪkʃən ] (n) 成癮

addicted [ əˋdɪktɪd ] (adj.) (人)對...上癮的

addictive [ əˋdɪktɪv ] (adj.) (事物)令人上癮的

contradict [ ͵kɑntrəˋdɪkt ] (v) 和...矛盾

contradiction [ ͵kɑntrəˋdɪkʃən  ] (n) 矛盾

contradictory [ ͵kɑntrəˋdɪktərɪ ] (adj.) 和...矛盾的

jurisdiction [ dʒʊrɪsˋdɪkʃən ] (n)  司法權 

malediction (n) 詛咒

valediction (n) 告別詞

predict (v) 預測

prediction (n) 預測

predictive (adj.) 預測性的

字根dic, dict練習題

Exercises: 請選出正確答案

1. The scientist's __________ about the upcoming solar eclipse proved to be remarkably accurate.

(A) valediction    (B) abdication    (C) dictation  (D) prediction

2. The witness's statements were c_________, causing confusion during the investigation.

(A) contradiction   (B) contradictory   (C) addictive   (D) jurisdiction

3. He became so _________ to the video game that he often played it late into the night and neglected his other responsibilities.

(A) dictation   (B) predictive    (C) addicted     (D) contradict

4. The king decided to ________ the throne in favor of his younger brother because he believed his brother would be a better ruler.

(A) abdicate    (B) addict       (C) dictator      (D) contradiction 



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